Executive Board Strategy Workshop
On 3 and 4 November, the University of Amsterdam hosted The EPICUR Executive and Management Boards for a two-day strategy workshop, which primarily focused on the alignment of future institutional strategies.

The main aim of the session was to identify and define common institutional goals based on a series of specific themes, that could be evolved and further developed at an alliance level. The overarching objective of this exercise was to further enhance the attractiveness of EPICUR’s Educational and Mobility offer going forward.

Themed specifically on the topics of Mobility, Teaching and Learning, the workshop was also designed to bolster synergies between specific working areas, to support and enable sustainable EPICUR actions for the coming years.

After a fruitful ideation session on day 1, the Executive Board reconvened on day 2 to categorise and establish EPICUR’s future priorities. Having reached a consensus, the Executive Board Members subsequently agreed on a set of Strategic Mobility, Teaching and Learning Guidelines.

The EPICUR team will now work behind the scenes during the coming months on the development of these priority areas, with the view to rolling them out and putting them into practice at the start of the 2024/25 academic year.