The list of contributors for the EPICUR Forum in Mulhouse is out!
The 2024 EPICUR forum will be held in Mulhouse from 11th to 12th June, around the theme "Transformative Academic Teaching: Embracing Progressive Pedagogy in European Alliances". Find below the list of moderators who will share their expertise and animate the two days of the EPICUR event at the University of Haute Alsace.

Pierre-Alain Muller

Pierre-Alain Muller is the president of Université de Haute-Alsace, a computer science professor, and a researcher in the field of systems and language modelling. He has always been involved in the academic field: teaching, scientific research, doctoral supervision, administration and fundraising for research.

Alain Dieterlen

Alain Dieterlen, is a professor at Université de Haute-Alsace, and a researcher in signal and image processing, mainly applied to medical devices such as microscopy and physiological sounds. Lecturer in electronics, censors and image and signal processing, and founder of the ICS (Information and Communication Systems) tri-national course. He is the vice-president of scientific transfer at UHA and a member of the EPICUR Management Board.

Jean-Marc Planeix

Jean-Marc Planeix is a professor at the University of Strasbourg and Vice-President for Academic Partnerships and Governance at Unistra and Strategic Coordinator of the EPICUR alliance. He is a former student of the École normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud and holds a master’s degree in physical sciences and a postgraduate degree in organic chemistry from the University of Paris 11 Orsay. He was Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry from 2009 to 2019. He is an officer in the order of the Palmes académiques.

Guillaume Arlen

Guillaume Arlen graduated in law (Bachelor’s degree) from the University of Strasbourg and in journalism (Master’s degree) from the Toulouse School of Journalism. He has worked as a reporter a community manager, and head of editing, before joining EPICUR in 2020. Currently, he is the head of EPICUR’s communication office, and the impact coordinator.

Laurent Boetsch

I currently serve as an Executive Director for the European Consortium of Liberal Arts and Sciences (ECOLAS) which I help to found in 2007 and that promotes the advancement of the liberal arts and sciences within the EHEA.  I am retired from teaching after 40 years at Washington and Lee University (VA) a leading liberal arts college in the United States where, in addition to my teaching career, I also served as senior administrator.  From 2003-2008 I was first Dean, then President, of the European College of Liberal Arts, Berlin, now Bard-Berlin.  I have been working with EPICUR since its inception, primarily through University College Freiburg and workshops 3 and 4.

Mario Calabrese

Mario Calabrese is an Education and programmes developer with a specialisation in e-learning and online assessment. Former lecturer in Digital Learning Platforms at the University of Rennes 1. QA for Education Task Leader.

Kirsten Douma

Kirsten Douma is team manager of the Medical Educators within the Teachings & Learning Centre of the Faculty of Medicine from the University of Amsterdam. She has a PhD in psychology and has expertise in education and research regarding doctor-patient communication and experience in coaching of PhD candidates. She has also been a confidential counselor concerning undesirable behavior for several years.

Amandine Duraz

Amandine Duraz is Senior Project Lead for the Una Europa European University alliance at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. She is responsible for the development and implementation of Una Europa Joint Innovative Formats for Education. She has experiences in developing international programmes in the HE context and she also acts as the Chair of the Una Europa Teaching and Learning cluster.

Thomas Fournier

Thomas Fournier is aTraining engineering Manager – Referent for components at Nantes University, forEUniWell. Holder of a PhD. in Educational Sciences at Trois-Rivières University, Canada, and a pedagogical engineer for over 10 years. He is in charge of developing EuniWell’s training offer, referencing existing resources, establishing relationships between teacher-researchers, and participating in the deployment of the future LMS.

Alison Garnier-Rivers

Alison Garnier-Rivers is Head of the EPICUR unit at the University of Strasbourg, France and EPICUR Alliance Manager. She has worked in European cooperation for 25 years and the HEI sector since 2016. She has extensive experience in developing and managing complex European funded cooperation projects and programmes with expertise in multicultural team management. She previously worked for 15 years as the European project officer of a regional French economic development agency specialising in digitalisation. From 2016 to 2021, she was also a senior consultant in European project management and funding. Having worked in EPICUR since 2019, she is one of the founding EPICUR team members.  She currently co-chairs the FOR-EU1 (1st generation alliances) coordination group and will continue engaging on an inter-alliance level within the future Community of Practice.

Donna Hurford

Donna Hurford, is an Educational Developer at the University of Southern Denmark’s Centre for Teaching and Learning. She has experience in course design, lecturing, leadership and consultancy positions in the UK and Danish Higher Education sectors. Donna specialises in supporting inclusive approaches to teaching and learning with a focus on addressing bias and supporting international and intercultural learning and teaching. She is actively involved with EPICUR’s Education Work Package, currently co-developing the online Good Practice Guide for teachers interested in developing EPICUR courses and she chairs the EPICUR Education Committee.

Lisa Hüther-Pape

Lisa Hüther-Pape is a higher education didactics advisor and researcher with a background in educational and cross-cultural psychology. At Uni Freiburg’s Higher Education Didactics and Digital Teaching and Learning Development department, she provides trainings for educators and moderates curriculum-development processes. In EPICUR, Lisa co-leads the establishment of the EPICUR Centre for International Teaching and Learning.

Dorthe Hutz-Nierhoff

Dorthe Hutz-Nierhoff is a digital education specialist working in the E-Learning department of the University of Freiburg’s Central IT Services. She primarily promotes the development of digital teaching skills as well as the development and provision of innovative teaching and learning formats in international settings. In EPICUR, Dorthe co-leads the establishment of the EPICUR Center for International Teaching and Learning.

Dominique Kern

Dominique Kern is full Professor of Educational Sciences at the Université de Haute Alsace in Mulhouse, France (member of the LISEC UR 2310 research laboratory). He is Deputy Vice-President New Pedagogy – New Learning and co-leader of the DemoUHA project “Responsible Digital Transformation”. He has a strong interest in the design and implementation of research-based teaching approaches adapted on the diversity of learners as well as the professional development of university stakeholders (teachers-researchers and staff) and the corresponding learning offers.

Stefanie Klose

Stefanie Klose is a Project Manager for EPICUR, she has been managing the EPICUR course offer since 2020. She also teaches EPICUR courses on systems thinking and education for sustainable development. She studied Physics with a focus on Environmental Physics at Heidelberg University and wrote her PhD thesis at the University of Freiburg in the chair of Industrial Ecology. In teaching, she is interested in system dynamics and student-centered education that fosters student agency.

Abel Nijkerk

Abel Nijkerk is a Medical Educator at the Medicine Faculty of University of Amsterdam. He is a teacher, educational developer, and Biomedical Scientist by training. One of his current projects is the development of a VR expertise centre to explore the use of XR in medical education. Together with Kirsten Douma, he will give a workshop about pedagogical innovation and the use of VR.

Steven Randall

Steven Randall received his Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition & Teaching at the University of Arizona (UA) with an emphasis in Sociolinguistics and ESL. From 2008 to 2020, he served in various administrative and teaching roles at the UA Center for English as a Second Language, most recently as Associate Director of Academic Programs in charge of curriculum design and implementation for the combined ESL/credit-bearing pathway transitional program for international students. Since 2020, he has worked at University College Freiburg, serving as the lead of EPICUR Work Package 4, which manages and enhances the EPICR Learning and Teaching offer.

Kirsten Rosa

Kirsten Rosa is the Work Package 6 (WP6) Leader for EPICUR SHAPE-IT at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). She has a broad range of experience in educational programme coordination and development, project management and facilitation. WP6 focuses on enriching research-based learning opportunities for master’s students and early career researchers across EPICUR.

Guenter Schmidt-Gess

Head of Division “Innovation and Quality in Teaching”, Freiburg University (since 2017). Prior appointments as research manager at: University of Basel, Freie Universität Berlin, Technical University Munich (TUM). Teaching Experience at: UC Santa Barbara, Princeton University, University of Basel. Literary Studies at Princeton University, Ph.D. in 2005. 

Marc Sarwatka

Marc Sarwatka is the CEO of PROEVOLUTION, based in Mulhouse, a position he has held since September 1994. He worked a long time in the sport area and began his career as a professional coach from 1985 to 1991. Marc has extensive expertise in supporting the lifecycle of human capital, including executive search and recruitment for top management and Franco-German experts, individual and collective outplacement, career assessments, and both individual and collective coaching. He also specializes in change management and management training, as well as managerial and digital business transformation. Marc is an ESSEC Executive Education graduate (2022) and holds a DU in Mental Preparation Coaching from UFR STAPS Dijon (2013).

Marie-Laure Snijders

Education coordinator and project leader at the Honours programmes of the University of Twente (Enschede, the Netherlands) at the University of Twente and ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities). Relevant experience and expertise: (extracurricular) course/programme design and development, both at the Honours programme of the University of Twente and within the ECIU University. I am especially interested in various forms of excellence education/talent development, creating effective blended education and the use of micro-credentials. Within the ECIU collaboration, we are currently exploring flexible learning pathways, life-long learning opportunities and recognising (shared) courses across the collaboration.

Radoslaw Stanislawiak

Radoslaw Stanislawiak is a student at the University of Haute-Alsace who is dedicated to representing the voice of youth, fostering alignment among people, and developing a better system for higher education. He is a member of the EPICUR Student Board, representing UHA Mulhouse, and formerly AMU Poznan.

Nicolaos Theodossiou

Professor of Civil Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Director of the postgraduate program “Protection of the Environment and Sustainable Development”. Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network SDSN Black Sea. Member of the World Academy of Art and Science. President of the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculties

Oriane Vetter

I am an English teacher at the IUT of Mulhouse (UHA, France), particularly in the Multimedia and Internet department. I have been conducting international projects for 8 years, with a focus on social media communication strategies for the past two years. This has enabled me to design and take part in an EPICUR project with a colleague from Poznan (Poland) university on the theme “B(earth) day: Uniting Cities for a Greener Future One Post at a Time”.

Karolina Wojciechowska

PhD in law, Assistant Professor at the Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure of the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw. Lecturer and coordinator of the project ‘Urban Regulations and Political Memory: Towards Understanding Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Urban Development’, conducted within the framework of the 4EU+ Alliance. At the European Law Institute, member of the Artificial Intelligence and Public Administration Group which developed Impact Assessments and Public Participation for Digital Democracy.

Léa Ziri

Léa Ziri is an international cooperation professional. She has been implementing and reinforcing international development for universities for over a decade. She joined UHA as Director of International Relations in september 2020. Very active in the EPICUR Project, Léa is most notably UHA’s institutional coordinator and represents her university in the Mobility Committee.