EPICUR Annual Forum, 4th edition – University of Haute Alsace. 11 and 12 June 2024
This edition of the Forum will revolve around the theme: “Transformative Academic Teaching: Embracing Progressive Pedagogy in European Alliances” through engaging discussions, interactive workshops and enlightening keynotes.

This year, the EPICUR Forum opens its doors to the community of our universities. Staff from EPICUR universities will be welcome, in particular Professors, Pedagogical Engineers and Experts in the education field. Associated partners, regional stakeholders and other alliances’ members are also invited to participate in the Forum. Participants will have to pre-register with their institution to receive a formal invitation.


Presentation of the 5 workshops

Workshop 1 – Create your European Alliance course

Following an introduction to an online resource designed to support the development of Alliance courses, participants share and discuss their own ideas for Alliance courses. Participants will be invited to explore the online resource and identify possible take-aways.

Workshop 2 – Addressing societal challenges through research and challenge-based learning

Discover how to tackle real-world challenges through research and challenge-based learning. Gain insights and strategies to engage students in meaningful projects addressing societal issues, empowering them to drive positive change.

Workshop 3 – Setting up a team to fast-track pedagogical innovation – Virtual Reality (VR) as an example

Building a team of educators to develop and improve your curriculum can help institutions to rapidly adopt innovations. Technological advances like Virtual Reality offer new opportunities to make teaching livelier and more immersive. This workshop will give you insights into the possibilities of Virtual Reality with the Medical Faculty of the University of Amsterdam as a showcase. You will discuss the advantages of a dedicated educator team and explore VR as a pedagogical innovation at your university.

Workshop 4 – Sharing resources and unlocking value: multilateral teaching and research networks within European Alliances

Participants will explore and discuss how learners, instructors, researchers, and university programs can benefit from sharing resources (e.g., courses, instructional talent, research facilities/capacity). Leave with a vision and concrete steps for internationalizing your teaching or program, as well as ideas for giving learners opportunities to complement their studies and enhance their international employment profile.

Workshop 5 – Approaches to ensuring the quality of your European Alliance educational offer

Discover and discuss how to maintain quality in European Alliance educational offer. Learn effective approaches to curriculum development, assessment and quality assurance. Leave with actionable strategies to ensure excellence in education.


Click the button below to register: