Students from the Universities of Strasbourg in France, Poznan in Poland, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Karlsruhe and Freiburg in Germany met in the unusually sunny Odense in Denmark for 4 days.
With the goal of electing several student board positions, changing the charter and creating a vision board, the 4 days from 18 to 21 April 2024 were filled with workshops and meetings, also using the opportunity to socialise and get to know one another.

The members of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) Student Board organised a great meeting, with the help of EPICUR SDU staff and the president of the local Student Board, who ensured that everything went smoothly and provided a wonderful atmosphere.
After an initial workshop (AIESEC) on international student organisations on Thursday, the team started on Friday to exchange experiences and knowledge about the work in EPICUR and to see how future roles and responsibilities might look like after the EPICUR-SHAPE-IT project phase. Following this, the elections took place, where a new Vice-Chair, Secretary, two new Safety Persons and the student Communications Officer were elected. In the charter workshop on Saturday, the charter was re-worked, and an Action Team was set up to complete it by the next Student Board meeting. Similarly to the Vision document, where the members discussed aspirations for the board’s future roles and responsibilities in EPICUR.

Overall, the students also enjoyed the Danish city with its gastronomy, a walk through the city and its lush park, a board game night and finally a visit to the Hans Christian Anderson Museum to conclude a very successful and pleasant meeting and look forward to all the collaborative work ahead.
Report by: Emily Wells (UFR), EPICUR Student Board
Photos by: Andreas Larsen